Love is Energy

Thinking and ApplicationPosted by on

“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”

Pierre Diehard de Chardin

“(love) is the totalising, unifying, healing force in the universe. And, just in virtue of there being a “universe” (one-verse), it is the most powerful force in being’. If this is so, we should work to be filled with the force and as such should work towards the enabling of all beings filled with this force.”

Roy Bhaskar

I recently asked the question through my social media network, if love was an emotion or a state.

I wondered if it was possible to suggest that love is neither an emotion nor a state, but is the binding energy of consciousness, much like gravity is to the material world. 

From reading everyone’s comments there does appear to be consensus that love binds and it has effect. Therefore, if it has effect then it must be a force.

However, and here comes the kicker. The more mass, as in the more sentience collects together; there is a greater force of love, and more sentience is pulled into the mass.  This would give use Woodstock, Extinction Rebellion, Occupy, but it would also give use the Second World War.

To liberate love from ideology and begin to connect to love as a force it would be necessary to remove the spiritual sacred aspect of love which can be seen as an historical interpretation of what love is. Here I am not interested in the nature of interpretation, yet.

I am not saying there is not a place for the sacred in what drives the collection of sentience to come together, but that would not be love, it would be the emotion of desire. In that we desire to come together to build a greater mass of love.

If love were a force it would be to precede or at least be apriority to either the sacred or for that matter the profane.  In that if I write love is sacred then love would have to come before for it to then be describe as sacred, even if I switch the sentence around and put sacred first I am still describing something that had to exist independently of my description.

Now, if love is a forced that gathers strength through the collected mass of sentience, we need to begin to draw together, let go of love as an emotion or state, which of course as an emotion or state it makes it much easy to sell or buy love.

Rather then let love bind us to a teaching or a cause, or a war, we need to let love bind us to love.

Feel its energy flow through you and flow through the other, see the other as not different but both unique and the same. Do the work to remove the blinkers of the ego, so that we stop being the one alone, and start working towards the one and the many, as moving mass of the powerful force of Love.

This would mean we need energy workers to help us create the energetic connection to love.

We will need the empathic training to feel into love radiating out from others.

We need the teaching of non-duality both east and west, recognising that all spiritual traditions speak of the oneness of love.

We will need the workers that support emotional and psychological emancipation from the egoic capitalistic notion of being.

We would need to be revolutionary as will pull down the system that has turned love in to surplus that can then be traded.

We would need to truly want to give up, let go, and liberation love from the emotion of desire. I think that last requirement might be too much for people and as such; I think people will cling and hold onto their judgmental rationality of love see there judgment as the only view on what love is, and so we will continue to have Woodstock and have Extinction Rebelling, and Occupy, and Global Warming, and again the kicker – War.

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